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Remote Monitoring of Carbon Dioxide Concentration in Yogyakarta City

G. Nugroho


Global warming becomes a serious problem in human life nowadays. Air temperature in the earth becomes hotter. The hypothesis that the
global warming due to increase of greenhouse gas emission. There is positive correlation of increasing air temperature with increasing CO2 emission concentration. Increasing air temperature is caused by forest burning, deforestation, fossil fuel burning, factories emission, vehicle emission and so on. Global warming will effect on climate change, human health and make problems in environment. To reduce the problem, CO2 concentration monitoring is very important, unfortunately CO2 concentration monitoring is still in lack condition. In this research a remote monitoring system of CO2 concentration was developed. The CO2 concentration data are sampled from several areas which are a campus, a road junction and a residential area. The collected CO2 concentration data are then sent to central computer via SMS and compared with CO2 concentration threshold limit.

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