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Multi-Agent Rendezvous Algorithms under Various Information Paradigms

Kaushik Das, Debasish Ghose


This paper addresses the problem of achieving rendezvous in a multi-agent system under various information paradigms. We consider two classes of algorithms (i) Broadcast based algorithms and (ii) Distributed control algorithms. In the first we consider a case where each agent is homogeneous and all agents are controlled by the same broadcast command from a centralized controller. This method has low communication cost. In the second case we consider each agent to implement its own control based on information gathered from its neighbours through a limited sensing capability. In this paper we give a brief overview of the broadcast based methods and some results on the distributed control algorithm where a modification in the decision domain of the agents is shown to yield significant benefits in terms of computational time, when compared with standard algorithms available in the literature. Moreover, we also show its straightforward application to higher dimensional problems which is a considerable improvement over available algorithms in the literature.

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