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Experimental Effectiveness Analysis of EDF-eCos for Real-Time computing in Small Unmanned Helicopter OFP

Nodir Kodirov, Doo-Hyun Kim, Jun-Yeong Kim, Chang-Joo Moon


In this paper we mainly address task scheduling in embedded systems, which has a direct relationship with the system efficiency and an indirect relationship with its execution stability. Timeliness execution of application will guarantee system stability. Our practical application is running on Embedded Configurable OS (eCos) Real-Time OS with x86-architecture based embedded board. Need for and suitability of the Earliest Deadline First (EDF) scheduling algorithm for our practical application will be illustrated. EDF implementation approach will be explained fully, accompanied with source code skeletons. Enhanced kernel performance based on less re-scheduling needed, higher CPU utilization allowance and finer timeliness qualities will be demonstrated. Lastly, applicability of our implementation and results for embedded application carrying Real-Time computing of Small Unmanned Helicopter’s Operational Flight Program will be illustrated.

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