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Experimental Analysis of Primary-Shadow Replication Scheme for Fault-Tolerant Operational Flight Program of Small UAV

Junyeong Kim, Nodir Kodirov, Doo-Hyun Kim, Chun-Hyon Chang, Changjoo Kim, Yonghyun Kim


The paper treats the Primary-Shadow TMO [1] Replication (PSTR) [2][3][4][5] scheme to develop a fault-tolerance Operational Flight Program (OFP) for the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). The recent increase in UAV applications to various autonomous missions demands a highly reliable and extremely safe OFP to cope with unexpected system faults. This paper proposes the application of Primary-Shadow TMO Replication (PSTR) [2][3][4][5] mechanism for quick detection and rectification of system failures with minimum intervention of human pilots. For this purpose the PSTR method is integrated into the Hardware-In-the-Loop Simulation (HILS) environment with a UAV model. Various failure modes including receive UAV’s sensor data, send calculated data to UAV’s actuator and deadline violation (operational deadline miss problems and various faults such as sensor data interference or lost) are simulated and tested to show the enhanced fault-tolerance nature in the OFP. The test results show that 96% of our injected faults were successfully detected and recovered, and shadow OFP activation with a given deadline time success rate was 94%.

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