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Gagnon, François
Gallant, Marc J.
Gan, Oon Peen
Gang, Zheng
Gani, Abdullah
Gao, Hong
Gao, Mingyuan
Gao, Tongyue
García, E. A. Martínez
García, Martínez
Gedi, M. A.
Geng, Lina
George, Joel
Ghadiry, Walaaeldin
Ghose, D.
Ghose, Debasish
Ghosh, Saurav Kumar
ojs2 has produced an error Message: WARNING: array_keys() expects parameter 1 to be array, string given In file: /home/unsysdig/public_html/ojs/lib/pkp/classes/core/DataObject.inc.php At line: 64 Stacktrace: Server info: OS: Linux PHP Version: 5.6.40 Apache Version: N/A DB Driver: mysql DB server version: 10.6.21-MariaDB
ojs2 has produced an error Message: WARNING: array_shift() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given In file: /home/unsysdig/public_html/ojs/lib/pkp/classes/core/DataObject.inc.php At line: 65 Stacktrace: Server info: OS: Linux PHP Version: 5.6.40 Apache Version: N/A DB Driver: mysql DB server version: 10.6.21-MariaDB