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Academic Papers as Strategic Tools for Industry Partnerships: Governance, Legal, and Knowledge Management

Agus Budiyono, Dedi Apriadi, Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto, Tutuka Ariadji, Agus S. Ekomadyo, Rizky Andrika


This paper presents a novel paper-based approach to industry engagement, emphasizing the use of academic papers as strategic tools in fostering stronger university-industry partnerships. By integrating research papers into every phase of engagement, this method enhances transparency, governance, and legal protection, while promoting knowledge management. Each engagement project is supported by a series of co-authored papers that provide a clear framework for decision-making, ensuring regulatory compliance and accountability. Furthermore, the approach captures the collective expertise of stakeholders, offering long-term benefits through institutional memory and continuous learning. This paper outlines the key advantages of utilizing academic documentation in project engagements and its impact on corporate governance, legal protection, and knowledge sharing.


industry engagement, academic papers, corporate governance, knowledge management.

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