Table of Contents
Technical Paper
Simultaneous Trajectory Tracking and Formation Keeping for A Group of Unicycle Mobile Robots | |
Sisdarmanto Adinandra, Amerika Morales-Diaz, Henk Nijmeijer | 1-9 |
Research Paper
Analysis of Grasp Parameter Effects for Static Stability of Planar Grasps | |
Takayoshi Yamada, Hidehiko Yamamoto | 10-21 |
Development and Application of a Reconfigurable Engineering Flight Simulator at Ryerson University | |
Ohyun Kwon, Joon Chung, Hyeong-Uk Park | 22-30 |
Design and Manufacturing and Explosive Ordnance Disposal Robot Chassis | |
Radian Azhar Gondokaryono, Priadi Teguh Wibowo, Yusuf Salman, Putra Agung, Aris Budiyarto, Agus Budiyono | 31-36 |

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ISSN: 2288-582X