Table of Contents
Technology State of the Art Review Paper
Advancements in Tilted-Rotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: A Comprehensive Review | |
Takateru Urakubo, Agus Budiyono | 93-104 |
Nanosat Technology Survey & Its Applications | PDF PDF |
Meiditomo Sutyarjoko, Ary Setijadi, Riza Muhida, Tata Sudiyanto, Adhi Murbini, Agus Budiyono | 105-118 |
Research Paper
Driving Innovation: Comparative Analysis of E-Government Best Practices in Different Regions | |
Ary Setijadi, Agus Sukoco, Agus Budiyono, Agung Indrajit, Rian Andrian | 119-135 |
Quantifying Progress: Metrics and Indicators for Measuring Digital Transformation Maturity in Organizations | |
Ary Setijadi, Agus Sukoco, Agus Budiyono, Agung Indrajit, Rian Andrian | 136-152 |
UAV Propeller Impact Testing for Injury Assessment: A Low-Speed Collision Approach | |
Kakuya Iwata, Agus Budiyono | 153-184 |
Energy as a Service (EaaS): A Paradigm Shift in Energy Management | |
Edi Leksono, Indra Mardiatna, Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto, Agus Budiyono, Endra Joelianto, Amrullah Farad Sunaryo | 185-197 |

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ISSN: 2288-582X