Design of Vacuum Test Machine for Modulator and Telescope Turbine

Febryan Maulana


While assembling Modulator with turbine of telescope, vacuum process which is the final stage of the maintenance process of the tools is required. The goal is to remove trapped air and replace it with media of oil fluid wholly. Therefore, it requires a vacuum machine that can help the process. The existing machine today takes a quite long process that is 3.5 - 4.5 hours. From the other side the existing machine today can not be moved (fixed). The air flow and the incoming oil just relies on 1 valve, so it needs a tool to speed up the processing time that will be a benchmark and productivity growth.

The design process is also made in order to ease the operation and easy movement by changing totally the existing design with the new one. The design starts from the idea of using 2 valves from the originally 1 valve, change of operational system, as well as the capacity of the charging tube (oil buck), which is relatively larger.

Machine of vacuum test using 2 valves of open and close and 2 processes in it, namely drawing and transfer as well as machine design that easily moved by using a roller also larger capacity of oil tube (oil bulk), it is expected to overcome the existing problems all this time, moreover to ease operation and improve efficiency 1-2 hours.


Vacuum Test; Modulator; Turbine of Telescope

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