Admissible Model Matching Fault Tolerant Control based on LPV Fault Representation

Vicenç Puig


In this paper, an approach to design an Admissible Model Matching (AMM) Fault Tolerant Control (FTC) based on Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) fault representation is proposed. The main contribution of this approach is to consider parametric faults as a scheduling variable in the LPV fault representation of the system that allows the controller reconfiguration on-line. The proposed strategy is an active technique that requires the fault to be detected, isolated and estimated by a FDI scheme. In case the fault estimation is not available, a passive strategy based on a single AMM FTC controller could be designed. The formulation of AMM is based on the set of admissible behaviors that are characterized by means of Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs). The LMIs allow to locate the poles of the close-loop system inside a region of the unit circle and the fault accommodation can be formulated in terms of several LMIs. The effectiveness and performance of proposed approach have been illustrated in simulation considering a thermal hydraulic system.


Fault Tolerant Control; Linear Parameter Varying; Admissible Model Matching; Linear Matrix Inequality

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