Pitch Oscillation Control of Hydroplane in Dual System of Lab-scale Flapping Type Tidal Energy Harvester
This paper describes the controller design of oscillation motion of hydroplane in dual-system lab-scale flapping type tidal energy harvester (FT-TEH).In dual-system, two identical single systems of lab-scale FT-TEH are arranged in a series with one chord length distance between the hydroplanes, wherein the flapping arm of each system is facing inwardly to each other. Both pitch noses direction of the hydroplanes are against the water flow. Controller is designed to control the motion of hydroplane such that each system moves in synchronized motion to each other at predetermined phase difference. Here, the system uses automatic gain controller with PID as the control feedback. Simulation and experiment results indicate that the controller of pitch oscillation for dual system of the lab-scale FT-TEH is well implemented.
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