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The Role of Managed Service in the Village Digitalization Program

Edy Susilo, Eko Santoso, Rizky Andrika, Agus Budiyono, Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto


With over 70,000 villages spread across Indonesia, the digitalization of rural areas represents a monumental task and a significant opportunity for telecommunications providers. This paper examines the vital role of managed services in the successful implementation of village digitalization programs. The challenges are considerable, including the vast geographical diversity, infrastructure limitations, and the need for scalable and sustainable solutions. However, managed services offer a pathway to overcoming these challenges by providing tailored connectivity, robust network management, and ongoing support. The paper also explores the potential benefits of digitalization for these villages, such as improved access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities. Through an analysis of current initiatives and strategic frameworks, this paper highlights how managed services can be a cornerstone in bridging the digital divide in Indonesia’s rural communities.


village digitalization, managed services, telecommunications.

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