Current Trends in Telecommunication Maintenance: Focus on Fiber Optic Infrastructure

Muhammad Riza Nurtam, Eko Santoso, Rizky Andrika, Agus Budiyono, Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto, Reza Dharmakusuma, Agung Harsoyo


The telecommunication industry is experiencing rapid advancements, particularly in the deployment and maintenance of fiber optic infrastructure. This working paper explores the current trends in the maintenance of fiber optic networks, which are critical to supporting the high-speed, high-capacity demands of modern communication systems. Key areas of focus include innovative maintenance techniques, predictive maintenance through AI and machine learning, the role of remote monitoring systems, and the integration of automated tools for fault detection and repair. Additionally, the paper examines the challenges faced in maintaining fiber optic networks, such as physical damage, environmental factors, and the need for skilled technicians. By analyzing recent developments and best practices, this paper aims to provide valuable insights for industry professionals to enhance the reliability and efficiency of fiber optic maintenance.


fiber optic maintenance, predictive maintenance, telecommunication infrastructure, automated fault detection.

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