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University-Industry Collaboration through Ecosystem Models: Unlocking Innovation and Market Potential

Agus Budiyono, Dedi Apriadi, Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto, Novias Nurendra, Rizky Andrika


This paper explores the transformative potential of university-industry collaboration through the adoption of ecosystem models. Traditional linear models of engagement are increasingly insufficient to meet the complex demands of today’s industries, which require diverse expertise, comprehensive solutions, and agility in innovation. The ecosystem approach fosters collaboration between universities and a consortium of related stakeholders, enabling the delivery of end-to-end solutions to industry challenges. By integrating research, knowledge transfer, and market-oriented strategies, this model accelerates innovation, mitigates risks, and expands market opportunities. Furthermore, it promotes resource optimization, long-term sustainability, and talent pool enrichment, positioning universities as vital contributors to industry competitiveness. Through case studies and analysis, this paper highlights how ecosystem-based collaboration enhances industry engagement, providing a roadmap for unlocking innovation and market potential.


university-industry collaboration, ecosystem models, innovation, market potential.

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