Driving Innovation: Comparative Analysis of E-Government Best Practices in Different Regions

Ary Setijadi, Agus Sukoco, Agus Budiyono, Agung Indrajit, Rian Andrian


In the rapidly evolving landscape of electronic government (e-government), innovation stands as a linchpin for effective service delivery and citizen engagement. This paper conducts a comparative analysis of e-government best practices across different regions, aiming to identify key drivers of innovation and excellence in public service digitization. Through an extensive review of global e-government initiatives and case studies, the paper examines successful strategies employed by diverse regions to foster innovation in the public sector. The comparative framework explores varying regulatory environments, technological infrastructures, and cultural considerations that influence the adoption and impact of e-government innovations. The findings contribute valuable insights for policymakers, practitioners, and researchers seeking to understand the nuanced dynamics of e-government innovation on a global scale. By elucidating the diverse approaches and outcomes in different regions, this paper facilitates a deeper comprehension of the multifaceted nature of e-government best practices and provides a foundation for informed decision-making in the pursuit of innovation excellence.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5281%2Fzenodo.10814450


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