UAV Propeller Impact Testing for Injury Assessment: A Low-Speed Collision Approach

Kakuya Iwata, Agus Budiyono


Propeller-induced injuries from drone collisions pose a significant concern in the field of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) safety. To address this issue, the development of an effective testing method for evaluating the potential harm caused by propellers upon contact with a human body is essential. In this study, we present a novel test method designed to replicate scenarios where a propeller impacts a target at a low speed, approximately 30 inches away, and at velocities of up to 20 km/h. A comprehensive crash test protocol was devised and executed, yielding a diverse set of valuable data. This research aims to contribute to the advancement of safety measures in UAV operations by providing insights into the potential risks associated with propeller impacts and supporting the development of protective measures and safety standards.


UAVs propeller testing; safety consideration; testing protocol; safety measures

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