Testing of a small UUV Kaledupa for underwater survey

Nico Prayogo


This paper presents the testing results of the small Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV) Kaledupa for underwater survey purposes. The UUV was evaluated in both controlled laboratory settings and real-world underwater scenarios. Equipped with sensors and instruments, including sonar systems and cameras, the Kaledupa UUV demonstrated excellent maneuverability, stability, and reliability. It successfully collected high-quality data on underwater topography, marine life, and water parameters. The analysis of the collected data confirmed the UUV's accuracy and precision in conducting underwater surveys. The results highlight the potential of the Kaledupa UUV as a valuable tool for underwater exploration, environmental monitoring, and scientific research. Its compact size and advanced sensing capabilities make it suitable for challenging or inaccessible underwater environments. Future research can focus on expanding its applications and enhancing its capabilities for diverse underwater domains.


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