Solving Inverse Kinematics Problems of Six Degrees of Freedom Robotic Manipulator
This paper deals with finding the inverse kinematics solution of a six degree-of-freedom (DOF) robotic manipulator with a camera as its end effector. This manipulator can be considered redundant manipulator since it uses four joints to position the end effector. The proposed approach solving the inverse kinematics problem is based on PUMA robot arm’s inverse kinematics solution with some modifications, as PUMA robot arm only uses three joints to position its end effector. To validate it, a simulation was performed by building a program in WPF Visual studio to compare the inverse kinematics solution with the forward kinematics solution whether the two solutions match. Result shows that the proposed inverse kinematics solution has a very good accuracy with only small deviation that comes from rounding-number error.
inverse kinematics, manipulator, unmanned ground vehicles, end effector, camera.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5281%2Fzenodo.11525629
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