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Wideband LHCP 3D Printed Pyramidal Horn Antenna with Poisson Distribution Profile Polarizer for CP-SAR Sensor Onboard Microsatellite.

Agus Hendra Wahyudi, Farohaji Kurniawan, Peberlin Sitompul, Josaphat Tetuko S. Sumantyo


In this paper we proposed an antenna for Circularly Polarized Synthetic Aperture Radar (CP-SAR) onboard microsatellite. The sensor based on pyramidal horn antenna that utilized Poisson distribution function profile septum polarizer to create a circularly polarized wave in front of horn aperture. Fewer parameters and easier fabrication with 3D printer Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) technology can be realized with this profile shape. Polylactide (PLA) material was used to construct horn, cavity polarizer, and waveguide using FDM 3D printer technology Scoovo c170 at 220 celcius. Copper conductive coating was painted on 3D structures to metalize its surface. Low weight, low cost and fast prototyping can be achieved with this particular method.  The result antenna measurement shows widebandwidth axial ratio below 3 dB from 9.6 to 10.6 GHz (10%) and the gain from 7-11.5 dBic at  working frequency.


CP-SAR; Horn Antenna; 3D Printer; Microsatellite

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