Micro-Hydro Generator using Eco-wheel system for Domestic and Industrial Building Applications

Komlanvi Moglo, Mahmoud Shafik, Jose Arturo Garza-Reyes, Elvis Ashu Mfortaw


The paper presents the research undertaken to design and develop a 3D sustainable renewable power station model that is sustainable, competent and of high efficiency at reasonable cost. The paper focuses on the optimization of the 1D micro Hydropower systems. The constant and secure supply of green power is made possible through combined power plant using renewable energies resources. Studies reveal that water wheels are not as efficient as turbines but could offer efficiency in excess of 80% for overshoot & undershoot water wheels, with 75% for breastshot water wheels. The technical issues that limit the water wheel efficiency have been studied and a new design is presented in this paper. The simulation to the new design is hereby presented and some experimental measurements of efficiency and power can be delivered

Keywords: 3D sustainable power station, Hydro wheels / turbines, efficiency.


3D sustainable power station; Hydro wheels; turbines; efficiency

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