Enhancing Work Procedure Efficiency: A Critical Evaluation of Frontline Maintenance Workflow Digitalization Solutions

Rizky Andrika, Agus Budiyono, Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto


The rapid advancement of digital technologies has paved the way for significant transformations in various industrial sectors. One critical area witnessing such evolution is frontline maintenance, where digitalization of workflows can dramatically enhance efficiency and operational effectiveness. This paper provides a comprehensive evaluation of digital solutions for frontline maintenance workflow optimization. We explore the current state of digital maintenance technologies, analyze their impact on work procedure efficiency, and identify the key factors contributing to successful implementation. By examining case studies and existing literature, we highlight the benefits and challenges associated with adopting digital solutions in maintenance workflows. Furthermore, this paper proposes a framework for integrating these technologies into existing systems, aiming to maximize productivity and minimize downtime. The insights presented in this study are intended to guide industry professionals in making informed decisions about digitalizing their maintenance operations, ultimately leading to improved asset performance and reduced operational costs.


digitalization, maintenance workflow, efficiency, frontline maintenance.


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