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Simulation and Dynamics Analysis of Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Using PID Controller For Pitch Movement

Hujjatul Anam, Joga Dharma Setiawan, Agus Budiyono


ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) is a type of underwater robot that resembles a ship. The robot is controlled by a pilot who controls the remote control. In this ROV tether as a link robot using the device as a source of energy on the surface of the ocean, remote control and sensing display. This study starts from the stage of modeling the body of the ROV using SolidWorks 2014. Estimation of added mass coefficient and estimation of damping hydrodynamics with manual calculation that very important to enter in the simulation. Thus construct equations of mathematical modeling to dynamics with MATLAB SIMULINK to generate 3 DOF motion of the ROV and then, stability analysis ROV using command and GUI in MATLAB with PID control is needed. Creating a world in language VRML files using software V-Realm Builder 2.0 and connect it to the ROV dynamics conditions in MATLAB SIMULINK. Then simulation of the ROV using sl3d toolbox contained in MATLAB 2013b and dynamics analysis of the ROV vision of ROV thruster force is modeled as the input plots generated Signal Builder with position and velocity about time.

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