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Development of Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation for Visual Target Tracking of Octorotor UAV

Ryan Triadhitama, Riyanto Bambang, Widyawardana Adiprawita, Artiko Wibowo


In this paper development of hardware-in-the-loop simulation(HILS) for visual target tracking of octorotor UAV is presented. The HILS is designed by integrating real embedded vision computer, a camera, and models of vehicle dynamics, autopilot and navigation, run on Simulink, and connected to visualization implemented using FlightGear. The visual system recognizes and tracks a moving target using feature correlation between scene image and database images containing picture of the target. Features are extracted using Speed-Up Robust Features (SURF) algorithm and subsequently matched with features from database images using Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbour (FLANN) algorithm. Position of the target is estimated using Kalman filter, which provides feedback for navigation module. Experimental results using HILS are presented to show effectiveness and fidelity of the visual target tracking prior to its usage in real flight testing.

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