Development of UGS Tilt-rotor Surveillance Tri-copter UAV

Sutthiphong Spot Srigrarom


To further supplement the strategies of Prevention, Deterrence, and Detection, the Singapore Police Force (SPF) requires support from cutting-edge technology. This paper will describe the development of our tilt-rotor surveillance tricopter unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Its unique tilt rotor capability enables a much higher cruise speed and range as compared to conventional multirotor UAV. This design also supports a wide range of features such as waypoint navigation, first-person view cameras, and high payload. Being modular also allows for various systems to be installed based on mission requirements. Such an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) can and will aid the SPF in the protection of life and property, along with the prevention and detection of crime.


Tiltrotors; Unmanned Vehicle

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