A Comparative Study of Various Topology-based Routing Protocols in VANET

Noussaiba Melaouene


Abstract—in the last decade, the vehicle flow raises faster than road infrastructure in urban areas. Consequently, traffic problems are increasing affecting people’s safety and comfort. Considering this literature, a various number of solutions is considered to deal with traffic problems using VANET. The most important issues in this field concern providing VANET routing protocols in a high speed environment. In this paper, the topology-based protocols were considered for the study. As known, the topology-based category is divided into three subcategories: reactive, proactive and hybrid. First, the principal characteristics are described and research challenges in VANET environment are discussed. Then, the performance of each topology-based routing protocol is evaluated and described in details. A comparative table of all protocols cited is, also, drawn up comparing protocols to each other. Finally, challenges and issues in topology-based routing protocols were discussed.


vehicular ad hoc network, topology-based routing protocols, proactive, reactive, hybrid.

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