Vol 8, No 1 (2021)

Table of Contents

Research Paper

Monitoring of Land Deformation in Kanagawa Prefecture Using GNSS and C-band Sentinel-1 Based Consecutive DInSAR PDF
Katsunoshin Nishi, Josaphat Tetuko Sri Sumantyo, Masaaki Kawai, Mirza Muhammad Waqar, Xiangping Chen 1-11
Enhancing Building Energy Efficiency through Real-time Predictive Control using Digital Twin Technology
Edi Leksono, Justin Pradipta, Atika Previanti

Technical Paper

Design optimization techniques to enhance structural integrity and hydrodynamic performance of UUVs
Nico Prayogo, Tutut Prasetyo, Kurniantoro -

Industrial Note

Autonomous Greenhouses: AI-Driven Climate and Growth Control
R. Pavithra, Jueying Li, Sam Goundar, Min Dugki, R Rohini

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

ISSN: 2288-582X