Mapping of Sunda Kelapa Dredging Material Dispersion Pattern

Indra Riyanto, Ardiansyah A, Yuniarto Y, Nazori AZ, Wendi Usino, Suparmoko S


This paper will discuss about mapping the dispersion pattern of the dredging material at Jakarta’s port of Sunda Kelapa. The mapping is based on the TSS (Total Suspended Solution) method for fine sand particles and combined with the velocity of the sea current to determine the extent of the dredged material deposit, which is found at 1000 mg/l. With settling velocity of 1 mm/s, the maximum extent from the simulation is 4 kilometers offshore from the dump point covered in 4 hours during high current, and about 1 kilometer from the dump point towards the shore during low current. Taking into account the direction of the current, the optimum window for dredging the port and dumping at the selected location is in November each year.


Dredging Material; Dispersion Pattern; Bay Current; Image Processing; Mapping; Total Suspended Solution;

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