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Six-Legged Robot Modeling with Autonomous Visual Navigation Control

Martínez-García Edgar, Ernesto Villalobos, Carmen Lara


In this study we propose two main issues to formulate a control navigation law for a six-legged mobile robot. On one hand, we consider feedback of the speed rate of the robot obtained from optical flow. Visual feedback is constrained by a set of kinetic equilibrium conditions for navigation control. On the other hand, the control input vector has its fundamentals on the robot’s legs kinematic (positions and speeds) and dynamic (joints’ torque). The proposed formulation includes a data association algorithm aimed to correlate visual invariant descriptors sensed by monocular vision. The correct data association allows to compute natural landmarks velocities accurately with respect to the robot’s inertial frame. An analysis of the formulation, as well as experimental and numerical results are presented.

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