Setup Hardware in the Loop Simulation (HILS) For Justification of UAV Design And Implementation of Strategic Control
The main purpose of this research is to control the Unmanned Vehicle System (UAS), using Hardware in Loop Simulation (HILS) for flight stability, navigation and autopiloting as well. This research includes setting the software for flight simulator, completely integrating hardware (micro processor, IMU, actuator and telemetry) for an UAV, and constructing a mobile ground station. HILS in the research is also developed as a mean to verify the UAV design and its implementation for both wind tunnel test and the real flight test.
Each setup in HILS is equipped with a remote control setting, utilized to drive three kinds of flaps (aileron, elevator and rudder) and serving as a switch from manual flight to auto stability flight. Vehicle attitude data can be stored simultaneously in a flash disk, functioning as a logger that is sent through telemetry. All results from the process can be monitored in real time through a ground station, with a display that enables the user to analyze the result of the flight condition process easily.
Dongwon Jung and Panagiotis Tsiotras, Modeling and Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation for a Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA.
Sami El Ferik, Design Requirements of a Newly Developed UAV as a Research Platform at KFUPM: Control, Telemetry, and Navigation Systems, SSAS UAV Scientific Meeting & Exhibition, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, Paper No. SSAS-2006-055, 2006.
Eric R. Mueller, Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation Design for Evaluation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Control Systems, AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference and Exhibit, 2007.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21535%2FProICIUS.2010.v6.465
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